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Assisting Albania in its EU Accession Journey and Rural Development Progress

Throughout the summer of 2023, our programme supported the Government of Albania in reviewing the country’s Agriculture Policy to ensure its compliance and alignment with EU requirements.  We provided a comprehensive roadmap due to address the identified gaps and enhance the effectiveness of agricultural institutions in Albania. Our analysis identified the essential institutional and administrative capacities that Albania must establish to successfully implement the EU Common Agriculture Policy. It serves as a key step in  preparing Albania for the EU accession process, with a view to opening the following Chapters:

Chapter 11 Agriculture and Rural Development
Chapter 12 Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary affairs
Chapter 13 Fisheries

Furthermore, our analysis also identified opportunities for further aligning the Albanian legal framework on rural development to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From advancing gender equality (SDG 5) to fostering sustainable consumption (SDG 12), and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources (SDG 14), our work resonates with global sustainability aspirations.

This undertaking will contribute to the creation of the National Action Plan required for the transposition, implementation and enforcement of the EU acquis in agriculture and rural development. 

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Sep 01, 2023