Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council Summit in June 2003. In December 2022, the European Council granted candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

> Bosnia and Herzegovina
Technical Support in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the inception phase, preliminary discussions were initiated, and the process of preparing specific technical expertise is currently underway, guided by a comprehensive needs assessment.

Based on feedback from the beneficiary and in close collaboration with the EU and the UN Country Team, UNOPS will develop a customized action plan, tailored to address specific requirements, avoiding possible duplications or overlaps. 

Aligned with the programme strategy, UNOPS will place special emphasis on Environment and Climate Change, Trans-European Networks, Energy and Transport Policy within Cluster 4, which focuses on the Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity.

Team Meeting with Joeri Maas, Head of Executive Office, EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Team Meeting with Joeri Maas, Head of Executive Office, EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina