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K4R Advisory Support to Public Procurement in Albania
UNOPS team meets with Albanian Government stakeholders for the launch of the Procurement Assignment
UNOPS team meets with Albanian Government stakeholders for the launch of the Procurement Assignment

The recent launch of the assignment under the Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans Programme (K4R), supporting Albania's EU accession efforts related to Chapter 5 of the EU acquis (public procurement), marks a key milestone in the country's journey to align its public procurement practices with EU standards and best practices. K4R will support the upscaling of services of the recently established Centralised Purchasing Operator (Opertori i Blerjeve të Përqendruara - OBP), a state-owned joint-stock company under the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, and Culture (MECI). Operational since April 2024, the OBP is tasked with conducting public procurement procedures on behalf of the Prime Minister’s Office, ministries, and other public institutions, further advancing Albania’s efforts in achieving transparent and efficient public procurement, and towards the full compliance with the EU legal framework. 

During OBP’s initiation period, UNOPS will support OBP’s operational efficiency by applying best practices from similar entities in EU Member States. UNOPS Chief Technical Advisor for the K4R programme, Jochen PENKER: “The team of experts assisting OBP in the coming months includes experienced international procurement specialists along with a local expert who will soon join the team. This technical support encompasses a comprehensive gap analysis of current legislation against EU standards for centralised procurement in Albania, the creation of an action plan for legislative reforms, and the standardisation of procurement requirements across sectors and other measures that OBP should implement to improve its overall functioning. The assignment will also examine the potential for integration of best practices from similar EU centralised procurement bodies by preparing a comparative study that could help Albania progress beyond expectations.

In the last week of August 2024, a kick-off mission took place, during which UNOPS procurement experts met with key stakeholders, including the OBP Administrator, staff from various OBP departments, and representatives from the UNOPS Office in Tirana. The primary objective of this mission was to engage directly with OBP senior management and operational teams,  to gain an in-depth understanding of the current on-site situation, and assess OBP's operational processes. The visit concluded with a set of preliminary recommendations, which will be refined and expanded through ongoing collaboration and follow-up missions in the forthcoming months. A final report along with other deliverables such as the comparative study of similar EU central purchasing bodies, the legal gap analysis, and the action plan for enhancing OBP’s functioning, will be completed and l  available by November/December 2024.  

Sabine KANIA, Head of Office UNOPS Albania / Kosovo: We are pleased with the progress OBP has made, particularly in forming an agile and engaged team in such a short time. UNOPS remains ready to offer further support, drawing on our expertise and rapid-response capabilities to ensure OBP’s continued growth through an efficient procedural framework, building competent internal capacity, and leveraging digitalization to strengthen systems and accelerate processes.

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Aug 29, 2024