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Kosovo's Achievement with K4R Support: A Roadmap for RES Technology Installer Certification
Visit of students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pristina, at the Windfarm KITKA
Visit of students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pristina, at the Windfarm KITKA

Kosovo is setting up the first comprehensive system for training and certifying Renewable Energy Sources (RES) technology installers. This initiative, supported by UNOPS, through the Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans program (K4R), contributes to align Kosovo with EU renewable energy directives and showcases its commitment to sustainable development.

The K4R has played an important role in assisting Kosovo with the development of this certification system. The support provided includes:

Legislative Guidance - UNOPS partnership advisors are helping amend existing bylaws and draft new regulations to establish a robust framework for RES technology installer certification.

Institutional Collaboration - The Programme has facilitated the involvement of various stakeholders, including government bodies, educational institutions, and industry players, to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

System Design – The K4R is guiding the creation of a structured certification programme that combines theoretical and practical training, rigorous assessment protocols, and continuous professional development (CPD) for installers.

Kosovo's establishment of a certification system for RES technology installers is a significant milestone in the region. By leading this initiative, Kosovo demonstrates its commitment to innovation, quality standards, and environmental sustainability. It also positions itself at the forefront of the renewable energy sector in the region, aligning closely with EU integration goals.

The K4R programme is proud to support Kosovo in this endeavor, providing the expertise and assistance needed to ensure the successful implementation of the certification system. This partnership not only enhances Kosovo's international standing but also sets a powerful example of how dedicated support and collaboration can drive sustainable development and renewable energy adoption.

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May 31, 2024