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Montenegro Works to Align Farming Practices with EU Standards
UNOPS Partnership Advisor conducting a workshop in Podgorica for the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management personnel
UNOPS Partnership Advisor conducting a workshop in Podgorica for the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management personnel

Montenegro is taking steps to bring its agricultural practices in line with European Union standards, with the support of UNOPS’ Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans (K4R) program.

A key aspect of this effort is aligning Montenegro's "Good Agricultural Practices" with the EU's new "Enhanced Conditionality" requirements within the 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Enhanced conditionality refers to a set of mandatory rules that farmers must follow to qualify for EU subsidies, to include various sectors, such as agriculture, veterinary care, plant health, water management, animal welfare, and food safety. Meeting these standards will be crucial for Montenegro's farmers, as compliance will directly affect their eligibility for financial support.

To further assist Montenegro in this process, the K4R program experts recently conducted a workshop in Podgorica for the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management personnel. The discussions focused on explaining the concept of enhanced conditionality, highlighting its importance for EU accession negotiations and its connection to farmer subsidies.

Numerous advantages of enhanced conditionality, such as mitigating climate change, improving water quality, ensuring food safety, protecting public health, and safeguarding plant and animal health were further emphasized.  During the meeting, the concept of "social conditionality" was also highlighted; a new requirement for EU member states (starting in 2025) that extends the rules to minimum social and labor standards for farmers.

By aligning its agricultural practices with the EU's enhanced conditionality framework, Montenegro positions itself to receive crucial financial support for its farmers while simultaneously contributing to a more sustainable and equitable food system.

The K4R program currently provides EU integration support to its Western Balkans partners on Agriculture and Rural Development (Chapter 11) and beyond, maximizing synergies and promoting cross-regional learning.

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Mar 03, 2024