Technical Support Assignment



A step closer to sustainable transportation solutions

Context and goal

UNOPS has supported Montenegro in aligning the country’s motor vehicle homologation regulations with EU standards. This initiative is a key part of Montenegro’s efforts to meet closing benchmarks for Chapter 1 Free Movement of Goods, contributing to the country’s legislative harmonization with relevant EU regulations on vehicle approval, emissions and market surveillance.

The main goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Capital Investments of Montenegro in drafting a new Law on Homologation of Motor Vehicles that complies with EU regulations, including those related to type approval and market surveillance. This has involved a detailed review and alignment of Montenegro’s laws with EU regulations, such as Regulation (EU) 2018/858, as well as assessing the administrative capacity needed to implement the law effectively.


In close collaboration with the Ministry of Capital Investments and its successor, the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, the UNOPS expert prepared a draft Law on Homologation of Motor Vehicles, aiming at aligning Montenegro’s vehicle approval system with the EU acquis. The draft law ensures compliance with several key EU regulations, including Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 on two- or three-wheel vehicles, Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 on agricultural vehicles and Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 concerning emissions and type-approval for non-road mobile machinery.

Concordance tables have been prepared to cross-check compliance with the EU acquis and the Regulatory Impact Assessment has assessed the need for further regulatory adjustments. Throughout the drafting process, the UNOPS advisor organised several consultations with the relevant interlocutors to grant their approval and ensure the law’s alignment with the EU’s homologation and market surveillance framework.


The work of the K4R programme has facilitated a crucial step in the country’s EU accession process as the transposition of the Law on Homologation of Motor Vehicles has been essential for Montenegro to meet its closing benchmarks under Chapter 1 - Free Movement of Goods. Furthermore, aligning motor vehicle homologation regulations with EU standards will ensure compliance with key EU regulations related to vehicle approval, emissions and market surveillance. Therefore, the work of the K4R expert will contribute to safe and sustainable transportation solutions and greater access to quality products in the market and will directly benefit citizens by ensuring safer, environmentally friendly vehicles.


“Safe and sustainable transport keeps the economy moving and contributes to faster and better integration of Montenegro in the EU.” – Expert on Alignment with the EU regulatory framework on the homologation of motor vehicles.

SDGs contribution

The assignment supports SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure by building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. 

It will also support SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by boosting higher vehicle safety and environmental performance standards.

Finally, the assignment supports SDG 13: Climate Action, as Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 – transposed into the draft Law – imposes limits on gaseous and particulate pollution as well as type approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery, ultimately reducing the negative impact on climate.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Jul 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals