Technical Support Assignment
UNOPS is supporting the revision of the existing law on plant protection products. The revision focuses on the transposition of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on official controls, Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides, and Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 on the placing of plant protection products on the market. Addressing these areas enhances Montenegro’s legislative harmonization under Chapter 12 Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, strengthens institutional capacity and aligns national frameworks with EU standards. It also safeguards the quality of seeds and plant health – ultimately safeguarding the health and interest of consumers.
The main goal of this assignment is to assist Montenegro in updating the country’s legal framework for plant protection products to meet EU requirements and fulfill the obligations under Chapter 12. The work contributes towards Montenegro’s implementation of robust systems for sustainable use of pesticides, effective plant protection and compliance with EU rules, strengthening the country’s preparation for EU membership and advancing its environmental sustainability agenda.
“Technical assistance projects help candidate countries like Montenegro a lot on the path to EU integration, especially in terms of: full alignment of national legislation with EU acquis; obtaining information on how EU legislation works or operates and is implemented in Member States; training of staff for the implementation of EU legislation; and establishing contacts with experts from Member States who can be a focal point and support in adapting to EU requirements.
As legislation at EU level is changing, candidate countries receive direct information on current legislation in force, legislation being amended and the reasons for change, as well as plans for the future. Technical assistance projects which are conducted on face-to-face basis help speed up understanding and consequently rapid implementation. Montenegro is an example of a candidate country that is aware of its obligations and duties and therefore is very well prepared for EU membership in the field of plant protection products.”
– UNOPS expert on transposition of the EU acquis into the new Law on Plant Protection Products
This assignment directly contributes to SDG 15: Life on Land by promoting sustainable management of plant protection products, safeguarding biodiversity and preventing environmental degradation through the alignment of Montenegro’s legislation with EU standards.
The assignment supports SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production by promoting the use of safe and environmentally friendly pesticides, reducing chemical pollution and safeguarding biodiversity.
It finally advances SDG 13: Climate Action by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and resilient ecosystems, directly supporting the Green Agenda's goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.