Technical Support Assignment


North Macedonia

Aligning rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway with the EU acquis

Context and goal

North Macedonia has been working to align its competition policy with EU rules. In this regard, harmonized competition policy should speed up and facilitate North Macedonia’s participation in the single European market, while advancing economic efficiency and social prosperity. As part of the common transport policy and of general economic policy, rules of competition for transport by rail, road and inland waterway serve to safeguard healthy competition, promoting consumer welfare, sustainable transport and innovation.

UNOPS has assisted the Government of North Macedonia in drafting the by-law on the rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway sector. The work entailed close collaboration with the Secretariat for European Affairs and the Commission for Protection of Competition.


The UNOPS experts have supported the better understanding of the current challenges in implementing the legislative framework in this area. As a result, the text of the by-law on the rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway sector has been prepared with a view to regulate the scope of application of the exceptions and exemptions in the field of transport by rail, road and inland waterway; and the exceptions for technical agreements and the conditions regarding the exemption for groups of small and medium-sized undertakings, in particular. Definitions of exception, exemption, small-sized undertakings and medium sized undertakings were also provided. A Table of Concordance has also been prepared to provide evidence on the harmonisation of the draft by-law with the EU acquis.


The work of UNOPS is crucial in assisting the Government of North Macedonia to set up clear rules of competition for transport by rail, road and inland waterway in line with EU standards in this area, thus prohibiting countercompetitive agreements and concerted practices between businesses, as well as abuse of market dominant position. For the citizens of North Macedonia, implementing rules of competition for transport by rail, road and inland waterway sector directly translates into more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable settlements.


“Participating in the EU acquis integration process is incredibly fulfilling, as it allows us to contribute to a shared vision of progress. Working alongside diverse institutions towards the EU integration of the Western Balkans underscores the importance of collaboration in building a stronger, interconnected European future.” – UNOPS Associate on EU Negotiations

“The process of drafting the by-law highlighted the power of cooperation between local and international experts in revealing the complexities of the legislative network.” – UNOPS Partnerships Analyst – EU Negotiations

SDGs contribution

The assignment supports SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by safeguarding consumer welfare, which is increasingly expressed towards sustainable products and innovation and by providing a framework for initiatives envisaged by economic actors in the area of sustainable development.

Technical Support Assignment Details

North Macedonia
Jul 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals