Technical Support Assignment



Designation of Areas with Natural Constraints in Montenegro

Context and goal

In December 2021, the EU adopted its new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to help the farming sector cope with local and global challenges and to contribute to a fairer, greener and more performance-based policy on agriculture. The new CAP is based on a flexible performance and results-based approach that considers local conditions and needs, while advancing the EU sustainability ambitions. Each Member State is expected to draw up its own strategic plan to show how it intends to reach the EU-wide objectives. Correspondingly, Montenegro adopted its own CAP 2023–2027.

UNOPS has supported Montenegro in aligning the country’s agriculture and rural development policies with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) under Chapter 11 of the EU acquis. Running the CAP requires efficient public administration, which is essential for managing direct support schemes and rural development measures. Addressing these requirements will strengthen Montenegro’s capacity to implement CAP objectives, including sustainable natural resource management, climate action and balanced territorial development, while ensuring the production of safe, high-quality food.

The goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Montenegro in enhancing administrative capacities, preparing detailed implementation plans for IACS and the Paying Agency, and addressing key benchmarks for Chapter 11. This includes updating Montenegro’s Action Plan to reflect the EU’s revised CAP and advancing the designation of Areas with Natural Constraints (ANC).


The UNOPS expert facilitated the engagement of relevant national stakeholders to develop a comprehensive Analysis on Areas with Natural Constraints (ANC) in Montenegro, which examines the biophysical and administrative criteria for ANC designation and provides a detailed overview of existing challenges and opportunities for implementing the ANC subsidy payment scheme. This included an analysis of the EU legal framework in the area and the Joint Research Centre (EU) Guidelines on the criteria to define natural constraints for agriculture in Europe.

In addition, the UNOPS advisor prepared a Note on ANC for the EU accession Negotiator of Montenegro in Chapter 11 and prepared a presentation with best practices on ANC designation in EU Member States (e.g. Austria, Croatia, Greece etc.), key findings from the report, an in-depth analysis of the current state of ANC scheme in Montenegro and actionable recommendations for the effective implementation of a national ANC scheme in support of farmers and breeders.

Finally, under the support of the K4R programme, a new scheme to support farmers who live in areas facing natural constraints (mountain areas) has been drafted. The draft scheme foresees the introduction of new direct payment support in the 2025 national agricultural aid schemes.


Stronger capacity of Montenegro to implement CAP objectives will support sustainable natural resource management and agricultural practices, climate action and balanced territorial development, while ensuring the production of safe, high-quality food. The work of the K4R programme enhanced the country’s capacity to meet the Common Agricultural Policy requirements and provided Montenegro with a clearer understanding of its biophysical and administrative landscape, enabling informed decision-making for areas designation. For farmers and breeders, the implementation of the ANC scheme will translate into better targeted financial support, improved resilience to natural constraints and enhanced opportunities for sustainable agricultural practices. Finally, the future application of the new EU direct payment scheme to support farmers living in areas facing natural constraints will contribute to maintaining the production of sustainable food, maintain ecosystems, increase the sustainability of businesses and reduce land abandonment.


“The abandonment of rural areas is a problem in Montenegro. Supporting the Montenegrin farmers living in the mountain areas can reduce this.” – Technical Specialist on EU integration

SDGs contribution

This assignment supports SDG 2: Zero Hunger by enhancing Montenegro’s agricultural practices and aligning with the EU Common Agricultural Policy, thereby promoting sustainable agricultural development, ensuring food security and improving the quality of food production.

The emphasis on sustainable land management and biophysical criteria in the designation of Areas with Natural Constraints supports SDG 15: Life on Land, which focuses on protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.

Finally, the assignment advances SDG 13: Climate Action by supporting rural communities with the farming of permanent pasture and grassland, contributing to the fight against climate change.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals