Technical Support Assignment
Montenegro has prioritized the formulation of a systemic approach to coordinate development partner assistance and monitor its alignment with strategic priorities to mitigate the decentralized nature of cooperation assistance. In this context, UNOPS supported the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) of Montenegro in setting up a central monitoring and coordination structure for channeling all the country’s development partner assistance. This coordination function has helped the Government carry out its strategic vision by creating a clear framework to align national reforms with European commitments and support the Stabilization and Association process. By centralizing coordination, the PMO can simplify efforts, avoid duplication and keep reforms aligned with goals, making the system more effective. Coordination also improves Montenegro’s partnerships with development agencies, creating a clear way to organize resources and support. This ensures that funds and technical support are used efficiently, speeding up reform while keeping funding transparent.
The UNOPS expert collaborated with the Government, the EU Delegation and development partner representatives to map out the institutions and procedures involved in reform monitoring, in order to identify gaps and links between reform efforts and the modalities of development partner support. Insights informed a comprehensive and actionable “Report on Reform Monitoring and Development Partner Coordination”, including practical recommendations to enhance the system for tracking of reforms and donor coordination. Two scenarios were proposed to improve the agility and efficiency of the system: (1) establishment of a small Secretariat for Monitoring and Coordination within the Prime Minister’s Office; or (2) establishment of a number of Sectoral Working Groups (SWGs) in addition to the Secretariat.
The work of the UNOPS advisor resulted in a more robust system for monitoring EU integration and development assistance in Montenegro. The proposed mechanism contributes to Montenegro’s EU integration and Stabilization and Association Process. It enables the Government to implement its strategic vision and plans for Montenegro, while linking national reform efforts to different cooperation frameworks, including the process of EU accession, the SDGs under Agenda 2030 and other international agreements. A stronger coordination structure also results in improved resource efficiency, reduced duplication and increased transparency, making the Government more responsive and effective in addressing challenges. By enhancing the efficiency and accountability of reforms tied to EU integration and other international commitments, it ensures that resources are better allocated to areas like healthcare, education, infrastructure and economic development.
“I much enjoyed this assignment, for the excellent instructions by the client and the knowledgeable and business-like Montenegrin counterparts.” – Project Manager Support – Advisor
This assignment supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by proposing solutions for higher effectiveness of Montenegro’s public administration system as regards channeling of development partners’ support where it is most needed, in line with fulfilling the requirements for EU membership.