Technical Support Assignment
In the context of EU accession negotiations, UNOPS supported Albania in aligning its agriculture and rural development policies with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This alignment allows Albania to access EU funding and subsidies through the CAP, which can help modernize its agricultural sector, improve productivity, support rural communities and promote environmental sustainability. It fosters greater market access for Albanian agricultural products within the EU, enhancing trade opportunities and economic growth.
UNOPS supported the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Albania, the Office of the Chief Negotiator and other relevant institutions to present the national legislation in the field, while ensuring that they grasp the full scope of EU legislation to align with. The main goal of the assignment was to assist Albanian institutions in preparing for the EU screening process for Chapter 11. Montenegrin experience was utilized in this regard.
UNOPS collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to craft strategic questions, responses and coherent presentations to inform the EC authorities on the legal status quo in Albania in the field of agricultural and rural policy. Next, UNOPS distilled key EU legal acts into an actionable summary towards which the Albanian authorities can go back in order to define their future actions to align their legal framework with the EU acquis in the area. Updated assessment was completed with the identification of regulatory and administrative gaps in the context of Chapter 11 and the new CAP regulations.
UNOPS also helped simulate the screening related to rural policy and CAP compliance, and shared insights from Montenegro’s experience, as one of the frontrunners in the Western Balkans region.
The work ensured clarity and coherence in responses on topics such as agricultural markets, trade mechanisms, state aid, CAP governance and other related areas, through coordination and communication with all involved parties.
For Albania, closer alignment in agriculture and rural development translates into better management of natural resources, sustainable agricultural practices, food safety and rural development, all of which are critical for achieving food security and sustainable agriculture. It opens greater market access for Albanian agricultural products within the EU, enhancing trade opportunities and economic growth. Ultimately, the intervention will affect all Albanian citizens in the long-term, especially farmers and rural communities, by fostering EU standards, better governance and sustainable agriculture.
Further, while it provides a clearer picture of the regulatory and administrative gaps that Albania must address to meet EU requirements, the work facilitates Albania’s negotiation process with the EU on Chapter 11 and enhances agricultural policy frameworks, leading to more efficient use of funds and resources. Among others, full alignment would increase the available financial envelope from the Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD), while, in the longer run, Albania could benefit from gaining access to EU funds from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF). In the post-accession context, direct payments to farmers could mean subsidies amounting to EUR 200 per hectare (indicative) for eligible land, depending on land type and environmental measures. Finally, adoption of EU agricultural standards can increase productivity by 10-30%, based on experiences in countries like Bulgaria and Croatia.
“My experience supporting the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture in preparing for the bilateral screening meetings, particularly for Chapter 11, was highly successful. My role in drafting responses, which were submitted to the European Commission ahead of the screening, was crucial to the process. I also collaborated closely with Ministry representatives to enhance their understanding of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Continuing efforts to align national legislation and agricultural policy with the CAP remain crucial. Additionally, enhancing the administrative capacities of the Ministry to better understand the new CAP for 2023–2027 will contribute to more effective and informed implementation of the EU agricultural framework. I look forward to continuing this valuable partnership as Albania progresses in its EU accession journey.” – UNOPS Advisor on EU negotiations – Chapter 11
This assignment specifically supports SDG 2: Zero Hunger by promoting sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices, food safety and rural development, all of which are critical for achieving food security and sustainable agriculture.