Technical Support Assignment
UNOPS addressed the critical need to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of the Strategy on Informing the Public about Montenegro’s Accession to the EU 2019–2022 to ensure that public awareness of EU values, policies and the benefits of accession is strengthened. The evaluation has also helped identify the results of awareness actions and achievements across negotiation chapters, ensuring that Montenegro meets its public engagement goals, while fostering greater transparency and accountability in the accession process.
The UNOPS expert collaborated with the Operational and Consultative Bodies (i.e. line ministries, local governments and members of the Working Group involved in drafting the Strategy) to ensure a thorough and participatory evaluation process, providing recommendations to improve public communication and align future strategies with Montenegro’s EU accession priorities.
The UNOPS advisor provided an ex-post evaluation of the Strategy’s outcomes and prepared the foundation for a new public information strategy for 2023 onwards. This included assessing the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the Strategy while aligning the evaluation with performance indicators outlined in the document. The K4R programme facilitated the engagement of a broad range of stakeholders, including the General Secretariat of the Government of Montenegro to draft a comprehensive evaluation report on the Strategy on Informing the Public about Montenegro’s Accession to the EU 2019–2022. The report has highlighted that the Strategy was well-designed, maintaining its relevance throughout the implementation phase and its inclusiveness in identifying and involving key stakeholders. It has noted that the Strategy’s implementation relied heavily on the General Secretariat of the government, which demonstrated strong management capacities in coordinating efforts and reporting. Finally, while nearly all performance indicators were fully achieved, certain risks were identified that might affect the impact and sustainability of the future public information strategies on Montenegro’s accession to the EU.
The evaluation carried out by the K4R expert has strengthened Montenegro’s capacity to engage citizens in the EU accession process. Assessing the effectiveness of the Strategy has ensured that citizens are better informed about EU values, policies and the tangible benefits of EU membership. The evaluation’s recommendations pave the way for a more effective and targeted public information strategy, enabling Montenegro to enhance public understanding, thereby promoting transparency, accountability and trust in public institutions, fostering a more inclusive dialogue about the country’s integration goals.
“Strong collaboration and open communication between the evaluator and the Beneficiary were key to the smooth progress of the evaluation. The joint effort across all actors underscores the importance of teamwork in achieving successful outcomes.” – Senior Advisor on Evaluation of the Strategy on Informing the Public about Montenegro’s Accession to the EU 2019–2022
The assignment directly supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by strengthening the Government’s communication with its citizens, fostering greater support and transparency in the EU integration process. The process of monitoring, reporting and involving stakeholders helps ensure that Montenegro’s institutions are accountable, inclusive and participatory in informing the public about EU policies and benefits.