Technical Support Assignment
In the context of Albania’s EU accession process, UNOPS has provided technical expertise to strengthen Albania’s institutional, administrative, and legislative frameworks in Chapter 12 - Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy.
The main goal of this assignment was to improve understanding of the steps in the EU accession process of Albania in the respective Chapterm, support in the preparation of the anticipated opening benchmarks for Chapter 12 and aid them in the transposition of EU legislation. The work engaged the Office of the Chief Negotiator/Department of Policy and EU Integration, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration, the National Food Authority and the Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine.
UNOPS experts kick-started the assignment with the development of a Report on Institutional and Administrative Capacities and a Financial Resource Analysis of the beneficiary. Followed by technical work and several meetings with interlocutors, their work resulted in the delivery of a draft Strategy for the Transposition of EU acquis into national legislation in the areas of food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy. This strategy was accompanied by an Action Plan for the transposition and implementation of EU legislation in Chapter 12 into Albanian national law, with concrete timelines for implementation – providing the Government with a clear roadmap for adopting EU standards.
The comprehensive Strategy for transposition of the EU acquis and an Action Plan for its implementation provide Albania with a clear roadmap for adopting EU standards and strengthening its legislative framework on Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy. For the people of Albania, the work translates into improved food safety, public health and agricultural governance. The alignment with EU standards fosters the production of safer, higher-quality food, it enhances consumer protection and it opens up opportunities for Albanian producers to access EU markets.
The assignment supports SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being by improving food safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health standards and aligning them with EU standards, complying with EU laws and allowing placing of Albanian products on the EU market.
The assignment also supports SDG 2: Zero Hunger by improving food safety standards, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing access to safe, high-quality food.
Finally, it supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by strengthening institutional frameworks, fostering transparent governance and supporting legislative alignment for effective EU integration.