Technical Support Assignment



Strengthening food safety and animal health in Albania through Chapter 12 alignment

Context and goal

In the context of EU accession negotiations, UNOPS supported Albania in aligning its food safety, veterinary control and phytosanitary policies with EU standards – particularly with regard to animal by-products. Alignment in this regard will improve the safety and quality of food products in Albania, while safeguarding animal health and welfare. The goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Albania, the Chief Negotiator’s Office, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and other relevant institutions in Albania to grasp the full scope of EU legislation to align with and present the national legislation in the area of Chapter 12 in the framework of the preparation for the screening process.


UNOPS collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to formulate screening questions, responses and presentations to report to EC authorities on the legal status in Albania in the field of food safety, veterinary control and phytosanitary policy. UNOPS produced an assessment report on the current handling of animal by-products including policy recommendations, helped simulate the bilateral screening related to Chapter 12 and shared insights from EU Member States and identified areas requiring further support following the screening.

Finally, UNOPS prepared a document outlining future plans with cost-effective policy choices and institutional strategies for increased participation of related stakeholders and fostered strong communication and cooperation between Albania and EU institutions to facilitate effective negotiations.


The work results in improved compliance with EU regulations and stronger institutional capacity to manage food safety and veterinary issues, allowing for more effective enforcement of regulations, improved monitoring systems and enhanced disease prevention measures.

By aligning with EU food safety standards, Albania will improve the quality and safety of its food products. This will enhance consumer confidence both domestically and in international markets, helping Albania’s agricultural sector thrive. Also, the adoption of EU veterinary standards will lead to better animal health management, disease prevention and overall welfare of animals in Albania. This, in turn, will contribute to the production of safer animal-derived products for consumers. Finally, enhanced food safety and better management of animal by-products will lead to greater public health protection, reducing the risk of foodborne diseases and ensuring that high-quality, safe products reach the market.

Overall, this assignment is expected to strengthen Albania’s food safety systems, boost public health and facilitate smoother trade with EU countries by meeting stringent market requirements.

SDGs contribution

This assignment directly supports SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being by helping Albania align with EU hygiene standards for food production and veterinary rules that ensure the health and safety of animal-derived food products – resulting in reduced risk of contamination and improved overall health standards for food consumed by the population.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2023
Sustainable Development Goals