Technical Support Assignment



Supporting EU accession negotiations in Agriculture & rural development (Chapter 11)

Context and goal

UNOPS has supported Montenegro’s efforts in meeting the requirements on Agriculture and rural development (Chapter 11), focusing on aligning with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) through the establishment of an Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) and a Paying Agency - two closing benchmarks on Chapter 11. The primary goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Water Management to draft the implementation plans for IACS and the Paying Agency and update Montenegro’s Negotiation Position to reflect the CAP legislation adopted in 2022.


The UNOPS expert drafted the Action Plan for establishing the Paying Agency and IACS in Montenegro, which outlines steps, timelines and resources needed for their establishment, in line with the objectives of the new CAP and taking into account the specific needs of Montenegro. The Action Plan has been approved by the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Water Management and has been submitted to the European Commission services for final approval. Finally, the UNOPS advisor revised the draft Negotiation Position for Chapter 11 with concrete analysis of the legislative and institutional framework, administrative capacity and scope for alignment with the EU acquis.


The work of the K4R programme enables Montenegro to implement sustainable agricultural policies, enhance food production and align with the EU’s green and performance-based Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) framework. As such, it supports the sustainable management of natural resources, climate action and balanced territorial development and benefits farmers by providing them with access to EU subsidies, fostering financial stability and enabling the adoption of modern agricultural practices aligned with EU standards. Establishing a Paying Agency and IACS is crucial for countries on the path to EU membership, helping them to meet the requirements for managing EU agricultural subsidies and to gain access to EU funds.

SDGs contribution

The assignment contributes to SDG 2: Zero Hunger by promoting sustainable food production systems, as well as enhancing agricultural productivity through the establishment of modern subsidisation systems like the IACS.

The assignment also contributes to SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption by supporting sustainable agricultural practices and environmental conservation.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals