Technical Support Assignment



Supporting Montenegro in aligning with EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) conditionality and drafting a new Code for Good Agricultural Practices

Context and goal

In December 2021, the EU adopted its new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to help the farming sector cope with local and global challenges and to contribute to a fairer, greener and more performance-based policy on agriculture. The new CAP is based on a flexible performance and results-based approach that considers local conditions and needs, while advancing the EU sustainability ambitions. Each Member State is expected to draw up its own strategic plan to show how it intends to reach the EU-wide objectives.

Correspondingly, Montenegro adopted its own CAP 2023–2027. To align with the new EU CAP, Montenegro should gradually introduce EU enhanced conditionality, the implementation of which requires a review of the existing Code for Good Agricultural Practices from 2013. UNOPS responded to a request from the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture and Water Management to support Montenegro in the demanding process of alignment with the EU conditionality.

Specifically, the UNOPS expert focused on the alignment of the current Code for Good Agricultural Practices with EU rules for enhanced conditionality impacting Montenegrin agriculture and implementing administration. In this context, UNOPS provided assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) in drafting the new Code for Good Agricultural Practices to ensure full compliance with EU standards. By addressing these areas, the initiative makes recommendations for policy actions, proposals for institutional management and technical assessment analyses on the introduction of EU Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs) and Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs) frameworks in the Montenegrin legal context.


The UNOPS advisor provided comprehensive support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management to improve their understanding of EU enhanced conditionality and support the harmonization of cross-compliance measures, ensuring sustainable agricultural practices that align with EU environmental and quality standards. Under the K4R programme, an analytical document on relevant EU regulations has been prepared, including Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 on CAP Strategic Plans, and an actionable proposal for aligning Montenegro’s Good Agricultural Practices with the EU 2023-2027 CAP Enhanced Conditionality. The K4R programme expert conducted consultations and introductory meetings on implementing EU conditionality with beneficiaries and key stakeholders, which were involved across the process and briefed through meetings, workshops and presentations on EU conditionality and the necessary steps for implementing conditionality in Montenegro.

Finally, the expert supported the drafting of a new Code for Good Agricultural Practices. The draft Code explains to farmers their obligations as foreseen by the national laws and rulebooks, it presents them with good agricultural practices that can lead to a better management of their farms, and it introduces them to the future EU standards and requirements that they will need to comply with in order to gain access to EU agricultural subsidies.


The analytical work of the K4R advisor will impact on Montenegro’s agricultural governance and its readiness for EU accession under Chapter 11 - Agriculture and rural development. By aligning cross-compliance measures with CAP regulations, Montenegro will establish a more sustainable and transparent agricultural policy framework. These changes will enhance the country’s ability to ensure compliance with EU environmental and quality standards, which translates into more sustainable farming practices and responsible production.

In addition, the new updated Code of Good Agricultural Practices will help Montenegro’s farmers to access future EU income support thanks to a better understanding of the basic rules of EU conditionality, such as statutory management requirements and good agricultural and environmental conditions. Dissemination of the Code for Good Agricultural Practices to Montenegro’s farmers will contribute to improving their management skills and the quality of their products. It will also contribute to implementing good agricultural practices, which are able to reduce water pollution, maintaining the fertility of soil and biodiversity.

SDGs contribution

This assignment contributes to SDG 2: Zero Hunger by promoting sustainable agricultural productivity through EU-aligned payment systems that support farmers in transitioning to environmentally friendly practices, ensuring fair support and enhanced food security. 

It also supports SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production by introducing cross-compliance measures that encourage efficient resource use and reduce environmental impacts, fostering sustainable farming practices that align with global efforts for responsible production.

Finally, the assignment contributes to SDG 15: Life on Land by protecting ecosystems, preventing land degradation and preserving biodiversity through the adoption of sustainable agricultural policies and practices, contributing to the resilience of agricultural systems and long-term environmental sustainability.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals