Technical Support Assignment



Supporting the development of Albania’s Reform Agenda

Context and goal

In the context of implementing the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, UNOPS has provided guidance on the design of Albania’s National Reform Agenda. The work has played a pivotal role in guiding and coordinating efforts related to the formulation of physical and financial milestones and indicators, targeted reforms and the overall strategic direction of the Reform Agenda.


First, UNOPS conducted a comprehensive review of key documents related to the Growth Plan, including the Reform and Growth Facility templates, regulatory proposals, EU’s MFF legal acts and Albania’s 2023 Economic Reform Programmes. Next, the UNOPS expert carried out a workshop for the Albanian negotiation team and the Office of the Prime Minister on the EU Budget, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Growth Plan, including Croatia’s experiences and actionable steps for reform implementation.

In this regard, the K4R programme provided advice and guidance on reform areas within Albania’s Agenda, including detailed analyses and recommendations and clear indicators and verification mechanisms. A visual representation of deadlines for indicative reforms was developed to ensure alignment between targets and fund disbursement milestones. The K4R expert also tracked annual disbursements and payment conditions and recommended tools for monitoring of budget utilization and reform implementation. Finally, UNOPS reviewed the draft Reform Agenda, offering detailed suggestions, comments and expert opinions, and addressed EC comments on the draft, providing a technical note with recommendations and next steps.


The work of the K4R advisor has improved Albania’s public financial management, making the system more efficient and transparent. This means that funds from the Reform and Growth Facility will be better utilized, leading to enhanced services, improved infrastructure and stronger social programs that directly benefit citizens.

Further, the expert guidance has simplified the process of implementing reforms by providing clear strategies on fund disbursement, monitoring systems and reform areas. This will help ensure that the country’s implementation of the National Reform Agenda is executed smoothly and effectively. Increased capacity to manage and oversee reforms more effectively will promote accountability and better governance, while improved coordination among government bodies will support the long-term success of the Growth Plan.

SDGs contribution

The assignment supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by strengthening financial management through clear indicators, verification mechanisms and alignment of fund disbursement milestones, and by tracking annual disbursements and payment conditions.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Nov 30, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals