Technical Support Assignment



Transposition of the EU Oil Stocks Directive

Context and goal

In the context of its EU accession negotiations, Montenegro is advancing its alignment under Chapter 15 Energy policy, with focus on the Strategy for green transition in the energy sector, including adoption and implementation of the Law on security of supply of oil products. The issue of mandatory stock of oil products is a key criterion for Chapter 15. The establishment of emergency oil stocks allows for safe, reliable and affordable supply of energy, and it is a crucial precondition for smooth transition to modern energy.

UNOPS provided expert assistance to the Ministry of Mining, Oil and Gas of Montenegro in the practical implementation of the Law on Security of Petroleum Products Supply. The adoption of two Rulebooks is a critical precondition for the Ministry to start collecting stockholding fees from which mandatory oil stock will be financed and to determine importers’ individual stockholding obligation.


First, the UNOPS expert prepared a Rulebook on methodology of data gathering and processing and determination of average daily net imports, average daily inland consumption and level of emergency oil stocks to transpose Annexes I–IV of Directive 2009/119/EC on minimum oil stocks in the Montenegrin national legislation. Its adoption will allow for the establishment of an oil data gathering system and the determination of emergency oil stockholding obligation. Next, the Rulebook on the method of calculation and payment of the fee for emergency stocks of petroleum products was prepared, whose adoption will allow for introduction and payment of the emergency stockholding fee that will be used to finance the implementation of Directive 2009/119/EC on the establishment of emergency oil stocks. In addition, UNOPS assistance has strengthened the capacities of the National Statistical Office staff, importers and retailers of oil products for the implementation of the Rulebooks.

Finally, the UNOPS advisor has delivered an Action Plan to implement the Law on Security of Petroleum Products Supply in line with the EU Oil Stocks Directive 2009/119/EC referring to two periods for the establishment of emergency stocks – three years’ period and five years’ period.


The work on the assignment will enable Montenegro’s Ministry of Mining, Oil and Gas to establish an oil data gathering system, determine importers’ individual emergency oil stockholding obligation and introduce payment of the emergency stockholding fee, from which mandatory stock will be financed and, thus, contribute to improved energy security and affordable supply of energy. Ultimately, the implementation of the law will move Montenegro closer to fulfilling EU closing benchmarks and advancing EU integration.


“The adoption of the drafted Rulebooks is the crucial precondition for practical implementation of the EU Oil Stocks Directive 2009/119/EC by Montenegro – i.e. the timely establishment of the Montenegrin emergency oil stocks.”

– UNOPS expert for development of an Action Plan to implement the Law on Security of Supply in line with the EU’s Oil Stocks Directive (2009/119/EC)

SDGs contribution

The assignment supports SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy as the establishment of emergency oil stocks will allow for safe, reliable, uninterruptible and affordable supply of energy needed for the transport sector of Montenegro, which is a crucial precondition for smooth transition to modern energy.

The assignment also contributes to SDG 13: Climate Action as the adoption of the Rulebook on oil data gathering on a monthly basis will allow for more accurate annual calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in Montenegro.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals