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UNOPS supports Montenegro on its path to the EU

A delegation from UNOPS met with Montenegro's Chief Negotiator, Mr. Predrag Zenovic, to discuss ongoing technical support and the country's priorities in light of the latest EU enlargement package.

The delegation, led by Mr. Jochen Penker (Chief Technical Advisor) on behalf of UNOPS, included Mr. Dejan Radivojevic (Regional Programme Coordinator) and Ms. Marina Vukovic (Local Country Coordinator).

The discussions focused on the "Knowledge for Reform Action in the Western Balkans Programme," which is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by UNOPS. This program provides technical assistance to Montenegro and other Western Balkan partners as they pursue European Union integration.

The meeting addressed Montenegro's latest needs assessment, current technical support assignments and explored potential new areas where UNOPS can assist the country in its EU accession efforts. The visit highlighted the ongoing collaboration between Montenegro and UNOPS as the country strives to meet the requirements for EU membership.

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Apr 17, 2024