Technical Support Assignment



EU screening: Technical support for Albania’s regional development goals

Context and goal

In the context of EU accession negotiations, UNOPS supported Albania through the screening phase to increase its administrative and financial capacity and grasp the full scope of EU legislation that it needs to align in the field. Successful implementation of regional policy necessitates sufficient administrative capacity to effectively utilize financial instruments and carry out related projects.

The goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Interior, the Chief Negotiator’s Office and other relevant institutions in Albania to strengthen their administrative capacity for regional policy and improve the effective use of financial instruments in the framework of preparation for Chapter 22 screening process. Croatian expertise was utilized in that regard, as one of the Western Balkan countries with recent accession experience.


UNOPS collaborated with the Ministry of Interior to map and analyze Albania’s national legislation and institutional frameworks to inform the EC authorities on the legal status quo in Albania in the area of regional policy and coordination of structural instruments. The legal gap analysis identified the required legislative changes and the institutional and administrative gap analysis evaluated Albania’s capacity to manage EU funds and implement Chapter 22. Based on these analyses, K4R experts identified the necessary reforms needed to manage EU funds effectively, towards which the Albanian authorities can go back in order to define their future actions to align their legal framework with the EU acquis in the area.

K4R advisors also helped simulate the screening and shared insights from EU Member States on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds, which assisted the State Agency of Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination of Albania and the Audit Authority in improving their responses to the Commission’s questions on Chapter 22. These responses were also part of the inputs for the 2023 Annual Report on Enlargement.

Finally, the programme examined Albania’s participation in Interreg and IPA-Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) programs, emphasizing their role in preparing for future Cohesion Policy funding and involvement in the EU Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The findings fed the assessment of Albania’s monitoring, evaluation, visibility, transparency and communication systems for managing EU funds, identifying steps and improvements needed to align with EU standards and national requirements. Presentations on these topics were delivered to support Albania’s understanding of EU Cohesion policy funds and the necessary reforms for their effective use.


The work of UNOPS has been crucial to ensure that Albania’s alignment efforts are well-informed, resulting in a successful EU negotiation process. By aligning its legal and administrative frameworks with EU regulations, Albania will be better equipped to manage EU funds effectively, leading to better governance, transparency and accountability and, ultimately, tangible improvements in infrastructure, regional development and public services.

The assistance has strengthened Albania’s regional policy framework and improved its ability to manage and use EU structural funds for Cohesion policy that have transformed many countries after they entered the EU. The reforms suggested by K4R experts will not only foster sustainable development, but also benefit the Albanian people by promoting regional development, better governance and transparency of government expenditures, optimizing resource use and aligning more closely with EU standards and practices.

Alignment in this regard will strengthen administrative frameworks to implement funding programs, ensure adherence to EU standards and promote economic, social and territorial development in less developed regions.

SDGs contribution

The assignment supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by aligning Albania’s legal, administrative and financial systems with EU standards, among others facilitating the calculation of primary government expenditures as a proportion of the original approved budget, while improving the effective use of financial instruments, thereby directly supporting institutional effectiveness and accountability.

The assignment supports SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals by improving the way that amounts committed to public-private partnerships are calculated, while supporting European Structural and Investment Funds utilization, thereby helping Albania engage more effectively in partnerships and development projects and potentially increasing financial contributions from various stakeholders.

Technical Support Assignment Details

Dec 31, 2023
Sustainable Development Goals