EU Acquis
Chapter 22
The acquis under this chapter consists mostly of framework and implementing regulations, which do not require transposition into national legislation. They define the rules for drawing up, approving and implementing Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund programmes reflecting each country’s territorial organisation. These programmes are negotiated and agreed with the Commission, but implementation is the responsibility of the Member States. Member States must respect EU legislation in general, for example in the areas of public procurement, competition and environment, when selecting and implementing projects. Member States must have an institutional framework in place and adequate administrative capacity to ensure programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in a sound and cost-effective manner from the point of view of management and financial control.
Building Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutional readiness for EU integration
Raising awareness on Montenegro’s accession process
Establishing a systematic approach in channeling development partners’ assistance and monitoring its effectiveness
Setting the ground for future action under the K4R programme support
Setting the scene for EU screening preparations
EU screening: Technical support for Albania’s regional development goals
Supporting EU accession negotiations on Cluster 5
Assisting Montenegro toward progressing on negotiation chapters
Strengthening institutional capacity in Kosovo for effective IPA III fund management in Kosovo
Strengthening Bosnia and Herzegovina's path to EU integration: Legal alignment and institutional reform
Supporting the development of North Macedonia’s Reform Agenda
Toward more effective horizontal policy planning in North Macedonia
Supporting preparations on Chapter 22 (Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments) screening in North Macedonia