Technical Support Assignment
North Macedonia
UNOPS has supported the Government of North Macedonia to prepare for the screening process for Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments (Chapter 22), which guides the effective use of structural and cohesion funds. Successful implementation of regional policy requires sufficient administrative capacity and sound project design, management and execution to effectively utilize financial instruments. Increased capacity in regional policy and the coordination of structural instruments should prepare North Macedonia to take advantage of EU funds as Member State.
The goal of this assignment has been to support the Ministry of Finance and the Working Group for Chapter 22 in North Macedonia to strengthen their administrative capacity for regional policy and improve the effective use of financial instruments. Experience from Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia was utilized in this regard.
The UNOPS expert has delivered a workshop, chaired by the Ministry of Finance, on the core aspects of EU Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments, covering the explanatory screening structure of Chapter 22 by streamlining the experiences of Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia in their respective negotiations, cohesion policy for the 2021–2027 programming period and IPA III and indirect management in preparation for the future Cohesion policy. More than 30 participants from the Working Group for Chapter 22 took active participation in the discussions, which allowed for a fruitful discussion and better understanding of future needs. Finally, The UNOPS advisor also supported in the preparation of the bilateral screening.
The work of the K4R programme has contributed to improving the administrative capacity of the Ministry of Finance in the management of EU-funded projects in North Macedonia. As a result, the country is better prepared to take advantage of European structural and investment funds that have transformed many countries in the post-accession context. The work will drive stronger economic, social and territorial cohesion, especially in less developed regions. As such, it not only fosters sustainable development, but it also benefits the people of North Macedonia by promoting regional development, better governance and transparency of government expenditures, optimizing resource use and aligning more closely with EU standards and practices.
“The opportunity to work with the colleagues in North Macedonia in the early phase of preparations for the work on Chapter 22 proved to be very important for a comprehensive understanding of the modalities and expectations ahead for this chapter. This was seen by the beneficiary as a useful start of the work in dealing with this complex and a very demanding area of preparation for the Cohesion policy.” – UNOPS Senior Advisor on EU Negotiations and Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAA)
The assignment directly supports SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions by strengthening the administrative capacity of competent institutions for the efficient financial management of project execution. The assignment also advances SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities by strengthening national and regional development planning, thereby supporting positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, semi-urban and rural areas.