EU Acquis
Chapter 20
EU industrial policy seeks to promote industrial strategies enhancing competitiveness by speeding up adjustment to structural change, encouraging an environment favourable to business creation and growth throughout the EU as well as domestic and foreign investments. It also aims to improve the overall business environment in which small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) operate. It involves privatisation and restructuring (see also Chapter 8 – Competition policy). EU industrial policy mainly consists of policy principles and industrial policy communications. EU consultation forums and Community programmes, as well as communications, recommendations and exchanges of best practices relating to SMEs aim to improve the formulation and coordination of enterprise policy across the internal market on the basis of a common definition of SMEs. The implementation of enterprise and industrial policy requires adequate administrative capacity at the national, regional and local level.
Building Bosnia and Herzegovina’s institutional readiness for EU integration
Raising awareness on Montenegro’s accession process
Establishing a systematic approach in channeling development partners’ assistance and monitoring its effectiveness
Setting the ground for future action under the K4R programme support
Setting the scene for EU screening preparations
Enhancing Albania's alignment with EU competitiveness and inclusive growth standards
Policy guidance on Chapter 20 alignment - Enterprise and Industrial policy
Assisting Montenegro toward progressing on negotiation chapters
Strengthening Bosnia and Herzegovina's path to EU integration: Legal alignment and institutional reform
Supporting the development of North Macedonia’s Reform Agenda
Toward more effective horizontal policy planning in North Macedonia