EU Acquis


Chapter 26

Education and culture

The areas of education and training, youth, sport and culture are primarily the competence of the EU Member States. In the field of education, training, sport and youth, besides a Directive on education of the children of migrant workers and the judgments of the European Court of Justice on cases related to non-discrimination between nationals of an EU Member State and other EU nationals, the acquis mainly consists of Council Recommendations in a number of areas related to school, vocational, higher and adult education, youth volunteering and mobility, numerous Council Conclusions and Resolutions.

The governance framework for cooperation is set by a Council Resolution on a European Education Area, with regular joint reporting of the Commission and the Council. A similar framework is set by a Council Resolution on the EU Youth Strategy, also with regular reporting. The frameworks set common objectives, monitor progress through benchmarks and indicators, and the Commission facilitates various exchanges of experiences and peer learning.

As regards cultural policy, Member States need to uphold the principles enshrined in Article 167 of the TFEU and, in particular, ensure that their international commitments allow for the development and implementation of policies and instruments aiming at preserving and promoting cultural diversity. In accordance with these principles, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, ratified by the EU (and [country]), is a major element of the acquis in the field of culture. Following the 2007 European Agenda for Culture, the Commission adopted the New European Agenda for Culture in 2018 to take into account the evolution of the cultural sector. The New Agenda provides the framework for cooperation on culture at the EU level.

EU Sport Policy aims to create a European dimension in sport. Priorities for Member States and the Commission are defined in EU Sport Working Plans. The current Plan is valid from 2021 to 2024 and addresses action in three priority areas: protect integrity and values in sport; Socio-economic and environmental dimensions of sport and promotion of participation in sport and health-enhancing physical activity.